Preparations Before The Exam
Patient Preparations before the exam
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Eating: The day before your exam, follow a low carbohydrate, high protein diet, avoiding sweets, breads, pasta, rice, and cereals. Do not eat anything for at least 6 hours prior to your exam. Most medications do not interfere with this test and can be taken as usual. Diabetic Patients: For the test to be effective, it is important for your blood sugar levels to be low. At the time you schedule your appointment, please inform us if you are diabetic so we can provide special instructions. Exercise: Do not exercise within 24-hours of your scheduled PET scan appointment.
Required (BUN/Creatinine)
Do not eat solid foods 4 hours prior to exam. Clear liquids and medications are allowed up to 2 hours before exam. Patients need to drink a barium contrast (a liquid that shows the intestines) two hours prior to the appointment. Please pick up before your exam. For diabetic patients taking Glucophage, Glucovance or any other medication containing metformin: You must contact the Center for special instructions before you begin this preparation. Also, if you are age 65 or older, or have a known severe allergy, you must contact CMS Open MRI for special instructions before you begin this preparation.
Nothing to eat or drink 4 hours prior to the exam. Patients need barium contrast two hours prior to the appt. Please pick this up at CMS Open MRI prior to your exam.
CT SCAN WITH IV CONTRAST ONLY: Bloodwork Required (BUN/Creatinine)
Do not eat solid foods 4 hours prior to exam. For diabetic patients taking Glucophage, Glucovance or any other medication containing metformin you must discontinue use of this medication for the day of and 48 hours after the examination.
CT SCAN WITH NO CONTRAST: No preparation is required.
There is no need to alter your diet or medication prior to an M.R.I. examination*.
During the exam most metal items will need to be removed. Patients with metallic implants, pacemakers or metal clips must notify the office prior to examination. *MRCP MRI/ Abdominal: No eating or drinking for 2 hours prior to the examination.
On the day of your exam do not apply underarm deodorant or powder from the waist to the neck. If you must use powder or deodorant, please let us know before the exam so that we may provide you with wipes to remove it. Please try to wear a two-piece outfit for your ease of changing and comfort. If you have had prior mammograms at another institution, you must bring them with you or have them mailed to us prior to your appointment. These will be utilized for comparison to your new exam.
No restrictions on food or drink. No studies with oral or IV contrast the same day.
Carotid, Thyroid, Breast, Scrotal, Echocardiography: No preparation is required.
Gallbladder, Liver, Abdominal, Pancreas: No food for 6 hours prior to the exam.
Pelvis / Bladder Ultrasound: Drink & Finish 32 oz of clear liquids 1 hour prior to
exam. Do not urinate.
IVP: Need Bloodwork (BUN/Creatine). Light soft supper, no bread, fruits or nuts the night before. At 6:00 pm the night before your examination take 4 Tbsp of Milk of Magnesia and 8oz of water every hour before bedtime to help the laxative work. If you are diabetic taking Glucophage, Glucovance or any other medication containing metformin: you must
discontinue them the day of and for 48 hours after this examination.
Thyroid Uptake and Scan, I-131 Whole Body Scan: No multivitamins for 2 weeks prior to exam. No thyroid medications for 2-4 weeks depending on type please call. No seafood for 48 hours prior to examination. No Iodine based contrast for 4 weeks prior to examination. Please do not eat 2 hours prior to appt. Must not be pregnant.
Hepatobiliary Scan: Nothing to eat or drink for 6 hours prior to scan. Gastric Empty: Nothing to eat or drink 4 hours prior to examination.
Nuclear Stress Test: Nothing to eat for 4 hours, call regarding cardiac medications. Wear two-piece outfit, short sleeve shirt. Please bring small snack to eat during examination break. 3-4 hr exam. (Bring a book!)
BUN/Creatinine Protocol for CT with IV and/or IVP contrast: Labs are needed for patients whom are diabetic within 2 weeks and for patients greater than 65 years old within 6 months for all CT with IV contrast and IVP examinations.